
In the serenity of the village called Kallur, a CBSE school was a long cherished dream of all the residents over here especially of the parish of St. Raphael’s Church, Kallur East. Under the leadership and initiative of the Vicar, and the co-operation of the people of the church an ambitious project to enable the students to get an education of national and international standard began to materialize. The former Vicar, Msgr. Thomas Thalachira (Late) of Kallur East Church whose mission and vision was the spiritual and worldly upliftment of the people of the Parish, with his courageous efforts could in a very short span of time fulfill the dream of an English Medium public school at Kallur.

With the abundant grace and mercy of God, the epitome of all knowledge and with the innovative ideas and new policies, and administrative acumen of former vicar Very. Rev. Msgr. Thomas Thalachira and the sincere hard work and the increasing co-operation of people of Kallur East Parish, the St. Raphael Public School was established.

Since its inception, the school has to overcome many hurdles and setbacks but with determination and courage, and the abundant grace of St. Raphael, under the able leadership of Vicar Rev. Fr. Wilson Pidiyath whose wealth of experience, and the committee members and people of Kallur East Parish leads the school forwards to success.